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SIRVA Vaccine Injury

(Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration)

No cost representation. All 50 states. 60+ professionals fighting for you.

1-509-VACCINE (822-2463)

Have you been diagnosed with a SIRVA vaccine injury?

We are here to help. Each and every case is handled with the personal attention and the individualized approach you deserve. If you have been injured by a vaccine you can be assured that our attorneys will fight for you to recover compensation for your injury.

What is SIRVA?

SIRVA, or Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration, is a medicolegal term that was introduced in about 2010. SIRVA was not a household name for many years, however, in recent years, awareness of this injury has increased. SIRVA can happen after just about any vaccine, but it is most commonly experienced after the flu-vaccine, likely due to the number of flu vaccines administered each flu season. While there are still many people, including physicians, who have not heard of SIRVA, awareness is growing as an increasing number of SIRVA sufferers seek answers for their symptoms and share their experiences through social media and other online platforms.

SIRVA is an injury that can occur when a vaccine that is meant to be injected into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder, is administered too high and/or too deep. Vaccines are designed to be injected into the deltoid muscle because that area is very vascular and has good blood flow. When the person administering the shot injects it too high, the vaccine can enter the bursae (fluid-filled sacs) in the shoulder joint instead. If the vaccine is injected into the bursae, an individual may have an adverse reaction to the active ingredients in the vaccine. This adverse reaction can cause an inflammatory immune response and can lead to bursitis or other painful conditions of the tendons, ligaments and bones of the shoulder. The resulting inflammation and injuries can develop immediately upon vaccination, or they can take hours or days to manifest.

SIRVA does not happen to everyone who receives a vaccine, but that’s small consolation if it happens to you. To add insult to injury, not many doctors are familiar with SIRVA or have a protocol for how to treat it. At best, symptoms are managed while the sufferer hopes for permanent resolution. Some have even described the pain as agony.


What are some symptoms of SIRVA?

  • Persistent shoulder pain
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Inability to reach overhead
  • Weakness in the arm
  • Inability to sleep on the affected side
  • Waking from sleep due to pain in the shoulder


What are some diagnoses that fall under the umbrella of SIRVA?

While some people may suffer from a mild case of SIRVA and may recover with little or no medical intervention, for many, it can take years to recover from SIRVA – and they can be years of pain, limitations, physical therapy, medications, surgeries, steroid shots, missed work and frustration. It goes without saying that dealing with chronic pain or illness can also have psychological ramifications. A person dealing with SIRVA or any chronic condition over a long period of time can become depressed and suffer from feelings of despair thinking that there are activities that they once enjoyed that they may never enjoy again.

As with any condition that is not widely understood by doctors, it may be difficult to find a medical professional that understands how to treat this injury. Many medical providers will probably focus on symptom management, including physical therapy, pain medication and eventually maybe even surgery, but they may not understand how the injury originated. If you began to experience any of the symptoms noted above after receiving a flu vaccine, or any other vaccine, it is important to tell your medical provider that your pain began after receiving the vaccine and you may even need to ask them if they have heard of SIRVA.



What Causes SIRVA?

SIRVA injuries result when a vaccine is administered in the incorrect part of the deltoid muscle. When the vaccine is given too high, the needle can puncture and inject vaccine fluid into the bursae, which are fluid-filled sacs that protect the tendons in the shoulder. If the vaccine is given too low or too far to the side, the needle can puncture the radial or axillary nerve.

When a vaccine is administered incorrectly, the active components of the vaccine can cause an inflammatory response to occur that results in injury to the area injected. SIRVA is not an individual diagnosis, but a collective name for the many types of shoulder injuries that can occur from receiving a vaccine. Some of the more common SIRVA injuries include bursitis, tendinitis, adhesive capsulitis and rotator cuff tear.

How do I know if I have a SIRVA injury?

Shoulder Pain

The most common and earliest symptom of a SIRVA injury is severe shoulder pain that begins within 48 hours of receiving a vaccine. SIRVA injuries affect the part of the shoulder that allows you to move your arm comfortably.

Therefore, your pain is likely to be more intense when you use your shoulder, such as when you reach overhead or across your body. A SIRVA injury can also interfere with your sleep.

Stiffness or Decreased Range of Motion

You may have difficulty moving your arm while trying to perform basic tasks, like bathing, getting dressed, or folding laundry. Performing these tasks may be painful or impossible without assistance.

Weakness or Loss of Strength

You may not be able to lift items that you once could or put any weight on your arm.
Swelling or Redness at Injection Site – You may experience swelling at the injection site and/or it may be painful to the touch.

Arm Pain

Some people may experience radiating arm pain, especially if the vaccine was administered too low or too far to the side.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms following a vaccination, you should contact your doctor immediately to discuss your treatment options. If left untreated, many of these conditions become progressively worse.

What if I am experiencing SIRVA symptoms?

If you are experiencing shoulder pain, arm pain, reduced range of motion, weakness, or any other symptoms following a vaccination, you should call your healthcare provider as soon as possible to advise them of these symptoms.

You should make sure to inform your healthcare provider that the symptoms started after a vaccine was administered.

Your treating provider should perform a physical examination on the affected area. Additional tests may be ordered including an x-ray and/or specialized diagnostic testing such as MRI/ultrasound. The provider may recommend physical therapy or refer you to specialized physician.

How are SIRVA injuries diagnosed?

When you see your doctor for SIRVA symptoms, you will likely not be diagnosed as having “SIRVA.” SIRVA is a term used to explain how these injuries are caused and not the injuries themselves. People who have a vaccine-related shoulder injury are most often diagnosed with the following medical conditions:

Frozen Shoulder Syndrome (Adhesive Capsulitis):

This condition causes pain and stiffness in your shoulder joint that starts out gradually and progressively worsens. Frozen shoulder typically resolves within 1-3 years. Treatment typically includes physical therapy and steroid injections. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.

Shoulder Bursitis:

This condition causes pain and inflammation of the bursa, the fluid-filled sacs that lubricate the shoulder joint and allow the arm to move with ease. Shoulder bursitis is a temporary condition, but it may last for many months.

Treatment typically includes steroid injections, pain medication, and immobilization with a splint. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.

Shoulder Tendinitis:

This condition causes pain and inflammation in the rotator cuff or biceps tendon. Signs of tendinitis are pain and tenderness in your shoulder and the inability to hold your arm in certain positions. Treatment typically includes anti-inflammatories, steroid injections, physical therapy, and ultrasound therapy. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.

Rotator Cuff Injury:

If a misplaced vaccine causes inflammation in the shoulder joint, a rotator cuff tear can occur. This condition is often accompanied by bursitis and tendonitis. Treatment typically includes physical therapy, steroid injections, and often surgery is necessary to relieve the pain and symptoms from this type of injury.

Impingement Syndrome (Swimmer’s Shoulder)

This condition occurs when an inflamed tendon in your shoulder rubs against your shoulder blade, causing pain. It can occur when a vaccine is injected too high in your shoulder. Symptoms are similar to the above listed conditions, with muscle weakness, shoulder pain, and limited range of motion. Treatment typically includes steroid injections and physical therapy. In rare cases, surgery may be required to relieve the pain and symptoms from this type of injury.

What are common treatments for SIRVA?

While we cannot give medical advice, we can provide you with information on some of the common treatment modalities that are used to treat the spectrum of SIRVA injuries.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy may help you regain strength and range of motion in your arm and shoulder as your injury heals.

Home Exercise Program (HEP)

A home exercise program (HEP) should only be used when you have been given this instruction by your doctor. Most of the time, individuals in physical therapy are provided with exercises to continue while at home.

Steroid Injections

Steroid injections are commonly used to treat SIRVA injuries as they can help to reduce inflammation in the affected part of the arm. Steroid injections can be effective pain-relief treatments, but relief is often temporary, and several injections may be required.

Pain Medication

Your doctor may prescribe over-the-counter anti-inflammatories and pain relief medications or in some cases, prescription pain medication may be necessary to manage symptoms.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections (PRP)

PRP injections are a relatively new treatment that utilizes your body’s own blood cells to accelerate the natural internal healing process. PRP injections have been shown to be especially effective at treating tendonitis.


While many patients obtain optimal relief with non-invasive treatments, in some cases, surgery is necessary for treatment of SIRVA injuries. Surgeries are typically performed in cases of rotator cuff tears, impingement syndrome, and frozen shoulder syndrome.

Are there doctors who treat SIRVA injuries?

All of the conditions described above are commonly diagnosed and treated by primary care physicians, orthopedic specialists and/or neurologists. However, there are many doctors who have never had exposure to SIRVA injuries and therefore do not commonly consider vaccinations as potential causes when evaluating these symptoms and conditions. It is important to inform your doctor about your recent vaccination and the onset of your symptoms following the vaccination.

Even if your doctor doesn’t believe that your vaccine caused your shoulder injury, your diagnosis and treatment will be the same. As discussed in the next section, you can still have a successful claim in court even if your doctor does not document that you suffered a SIRVA injury.

If you feel that your doctor’s reluctance to recognize your SIRVA injury is interfering with your treatment, you have the option to get a second opinion from another doctor. Depending on where you live, we may be able to connect you with a doctor in your area who has experience treating SIRVA injuries.


Can I be compensated for my vaccine related injury?

If you develop an injury after receiving a vaccine, you may be entitled to compensation. Here are the steps to take to pursue potential compensation:

Step 1 – Confirm Information on Recent Vaccines
Gather information on the date, brand (if noted), and type of vaccine(s) you’ve had within the last three years that preceded your symptoms. Once you have this information, move on to step two.

Step 2 – Notify the Doctor Who Diagnosed Your Injury
If you are currently being treated for your injury and realize that your symptoms began after a recent vaccination, you should make sure to bring this information to your medical provider’s attention. Your physician may not be aware of the connection, but having this information recorded in your patient file improves medical documentation that helps everyone get a better picture of any and all factors that could be the reason you developed a vaccine injury. In many cases, the medical providers are not aware of a person’s vaccination history and, therefore, may not consider the vaccination as a potential trigger.

Step 3- Seek a Free Consultation with an Experienced Vaccine Injury Attorney
If you received a vaccine and began to have symptoms following receipt of the vaccine, you may be eligible to receive monetary compensation through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).


How Siri & Glimstad Can Help

It is important to obtain quality legal representation for your vaccine injury case. Siri & Glimstad, LLP’s nationally recognized vaccine injury group is comprised of an entire department of dedicated professionals ready to represent people who have been injured by common vaccinations, including influenza (“flu”), tetanus (“Tdap”), hepatitis B (“Hep B”), and pneumococcal vaccines, among others. Our curated team of attorneys and support staff possess unique and highly specialized skills that enable us to provide aggressive and competent representation for our clients.

We believe that your relationship with your attorney is critical to your legal experience. If you are reading this, chances are you or someone you love may be enduring one of the most physically and emotionally difficult times in their life. Respect and compassion are fundamental to our practice. We understand that clear and honest communication is paramount to our client’s experience. You will receive highly personalized, transparent representation with direct access to an attorney during all stages of your case. Every single one of our clients is a priority.

If you believe that you or a loved one has suffered from a vaccine injury, then don’t wait to contact us. The court imposes strict deadlines that must be met to preserve your vaccine injury claim. Contact Siri & Glimstad today for a free consultation with one of our vaccine injury attorneys.

Siri & Glimstad SIRVA Booklet

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Download Our SIRVA Booklet

SIRVA References and Links

The contents on this page are for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical or legal advice.

Injured By A Vaccine?



Your Vaccine Injury Team

image of jeanna reed
Jeanna Reed
R.N. / Legal Nurse Consultant
Location: New York
image of marilyn leal
Marilyn Leal
R.N. / Legal Nurse
Location: Florida
image of jennifer swanson in color
Jennifer Swanson
Location: Florida
image of tara thorn
Tara Thorn
Location: Florida
image of missy sealy
Missy Sealy
Location: Florida
image of seeley casey
Seeley Casey
Location: Florida
image of joel hazard
Joel Hazard
Location: Florida
image of amanda ramos
Amanda Ramos
Location: Arizona
image of alex malvick
Alex Malvick
Location: Arizona
image of melissa vraspir
Melissa Vraspir
Medical Records Collection Specialist
Location: Florida