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Consumer Product Class Actions

Recalls, Defects, Misrepresentations, and Injuries

image of push button start for a car with the words car insurance on it

About Consumer Product Class Actions

Do you own a product that has been recalled? Do you own a product that you think is defective? Do you feel that a company misrepresented a certain product that you purchased? Have you been injured by a consumer product?

We can help! From food to vehicles and everything in between, our in-house class action lawyers, as well as our partner firms represent consumers nationally to fight back against corporate wrongdoing and greed!

If you own a recalled product, contact us by visiting our general recalled consumer products information page here: Recalled Product Investigations – Join Class Actions

If you believe you own a defective product or think that a company misrepresented a product, view more information here: Defective Products – Join Class Actions

If you or someone you know was injured by a defective product, get legal help now. Do not delay! Strict time limits apply! Siri & Glimstad, along with our national affiliated law firms, have armies of product liability attorneys that are well-versed in consumer protection laws. When a consumer sustains an injury due to a defective product, determining liability from the standpoint of the chain of commerce is imperative. Several parties can be held liable for releasing a product into the market that they knew or should have known posed a risk to users.


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Your Consumer Product Class Actions Team

image of nicole swope
Nicole Swope
Legal Client Relations Specialist
Location: New York