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Toxic Tort Attorneys

Toxic Tort Areas of Practice

Chemical Birth Defects

At Siri & Glimstad, we specialize in determining whether your child’s birth defect may have been caused by chemical exposures, and obtaining justice for your family.

image of abnormal embryo symoblizing chemical birth defects
image of clean up crew tending to an environmental disaster

Environmental Disasters

Siri & Glimstad is dedicated to holding corporations accountable for environmental disasters such as train derailments, wildfires, oil spills, chemical spills, hurricanes, pollution, and more.

Industrial Pollution

At Siri & Glimstad, we seek to obtain justice for those who have been harmed by air or water pollution from industrial facilities in their communities.

image of rows of toxic waste barrels representing industrial pollution
image of crew removing asbestos that causes mesothelioma


Attorneys at Siri & Glimstad LLP, along with our partner firms, dedicate our lives to fighting for justice and compensation for those injured by dangerous drugs.

Toxic Products

Siri & Glimstad and affiliated attorneys represent individuals that develop cancer, and other harm, from the toxic components found in some common products, including baby food, hair straightening chemicals, pesticides, and firefighting foams.

image of common household chemicals representing potential toxic products

Your Toxic Torts Team

image of michael connett
Michael Connett
Location: California
image of lisa considine
Lisa Considine
Location: New York
image of jennifer malainy
Jennifer Malainy
Chief Legal Marketing Officer
Location: New York
image of julie scott
Julie Scott
Legal Project Manager
Location: Texas
image of sarah hill
Sarah Hill
Location: New York
image of jennifer wilding
Jennifer Wilding
Legal Intake Specialist
Location: New York